Cloud & Engineering

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The Logic Apps Webhook Action and the Correlation Identifier Pattern

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 17 July 2017

Development, Enterprise Integration Patterns, Twilio, Logic Apps, Webhook, Blog, Technology


In many business scenarios, there is the need to implement long-running processes which first send a message to a second process and then pause and wait for an asynchronous response before they continue. Being this an asynchronous communication, the challenge is to correlate the response to the original...

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Triggering an Azure Logic App by SMS messages with Twilio

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 05 July 2017

Development, Twilio, Logic Apps, Blog, Technology


SMS messaging has been a widely adopted way of communication over the last decades, not only for people but for organisations as well. Even though nowadays there are many messaging apps that are more popular and flexible than plain SMS, there are still scenarios in which businesses find SMS messaging a...

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