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Write and deploy an Apache Beam pipeline with Dataflow

Posted by Sheng Wu on 02 April 2019

tech, gcp, dataflow, Apache Beam, Fast-Data, parquet, csv


Apache Beam is a unified programming model and the name Beam means Batch + strEAM. It is good at processing both batch and streaming data and can be run on different runners, such as Google Dataflow, Apache Spark, and Apache Flink. The Beam programming guide documents on how to develop a pipeline and the ...

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Comparing Istio with Netflix Frameworks for Inter-Microservices Communications

Posted by Elmira Hasanzadeh on 04 September 2018

Architecture, Microservices, tech, api, istio, netflix, service mesh, gcp

The technical advancements in every aspect of software development lifecycle make it clear that there are more than one solution to any problem. In this article I examine Istio’s service mesh capabilities to address issues that developers face while creating microservices and compare it with the widely adopted Netflix...

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