Cloud & Engineering

We regularly write about our technical experiences (good and bad) and what we're learning from the market.

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Avoid the Robot Spaghetti Machine

Posted by Saul Caganoff on 04 April 2023

Architecture, governance, AI, ChatGPT

With the recent release of GPT-4, many people are voicing concern about the impact of AI on the job market. A Goldman Sachs report concluded that up to two-thirds of white-collar jobs are open to partial automation through AI. They argue that this is overall good news for global productivity.

Programming is forecast...

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Assisted API Design with ChatGPT

Posted by Saul Caganoff on 01 February 2023

API Design, AI, ChatGPT

The Experiment

I recently tried an experiment using OpenAI's ChatGPT to design a simple OpenAPI specification. My aim was to exercise the following workflow which reflects my typical manual design process:

  • Start with a JSON Schema for a simple Business Entity comprising basic attributes and relationships with people...
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