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Paco de la Cruz

Paco de la Cruz
Microsoft Azure MVP and Senior Development Consultant who since 2001 has been working with different technologies and platforms architecting, designing, and implementing a range of different software solutions, including Cloud Integration, Application Integration, and Collaboration. He is currently certified as MCSE: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure by Microsoft.
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Recent Posts

Message Routing: Enterprise Integration Patterns on Azure Integration Services

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 09 September 2020

Azure Functions, Enterprise Integration Patterns, Logic Apps, Service Bus, Azure Event Grid

In the previous post of the series on the Enterprise Integration Patterns on Azure, I explored the Messaging Endpoint patterns, which abstract integration interfaces from the application internals when building messaging-based integration solutions. In this post, I will cover the Message Routing patterns on Azure,...

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Load Balancing Public and Private Traffic to Azure API Management across Multiple Regions

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 08 July 2020

Technology, Microsoft Azure, Solution Architecture, API Management, Azure Traffic Manager, Azure Application Gateway

In different projects, I have had to implement load balancing for multi-region deployments of Azure API Management. API Management with multi-region deployments, allows you to enable a built-in external load balancer. This means that public traffic is routed to a regional gateway based on the lowest latency without...

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Your Own Serverless Request Bin with Durable Entities and Azure Durable Functions 2.0

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 22 October 2019

Azure Functions, Serverless, Technology, Azure Durable Functions, Microsoft Azure, Durable Entities

This post is part of a series

  1. Your Own Serverless Request Bin with Azure Functions
  2. Your Own Serverless Request Bin with Azure Durable Functions (this)

In a previous post, I shared how you can deploy a Serverless Request Bin using Azure Functions. I also shared how I built it using a memory cache as a persistence...

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Your Own Serverless Request Bin with Azure Functions

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 26 September 2019

Azure Functions, Serverless, Technology, Dependency Injection, Microsoft Azure

This post is part of a series

  1. Your Own Serverless Request Bin with Azure Functions (this)
  2. Your Own Serverless Request Bin with Durable Entities and Azure Durable Functions 2.0

If you have developed or consumed HTTP APIs or webhooks, chances are that you have had the need of troubleshooting and inspecting HTTP...

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OAuth 2.0 Authorisation with the Client Credentials Flow on Azure API Management

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 12 July 2019

Azure API Management, Microsoft Azure, OAuth 2.0

A well-adopted way of protecting APIs is by using the OAuth 2.0 authorisation standard. OAuth 2.0 offers different grant types, also known as flows, to cover multiple authorisation scenarios. As an end-user, you most probably have used, in one way or another, the authorisation code flow, in which you, as a resource...

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Messaging Endpoints: Enterprise Integration Patterns on Azure Integration Services

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 05 June 2019

Azure Functions, Enterprise Integration Patterns, Logic Apps, Service Bus, Azure Event Grid, Azure Integration Services

In the previous post of the series, I described how messages can be transmitted from a sender application to intended receiver applications through Messaging Channels, and how the Azure Integration Services can be leveraged to implement these Enterprise Integration Patterns. Messaging Endpoints are the application...

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Messaging Channels: Enterprise Integration Patterns on Azure Integration Services

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 09 May 2019

Azure Functions, Enterprise Integration Patterns, Logic Apps, Service Bus, Azure Event Grid, messaging, Azure Integration Services

In the previous post of the series, I covered how application data are to be serialised and packaged into messages so they can be transmitted between applications. In this post, I’ll describe the Messaging Channels patterns, which focus on solving the challenges of transmitting messages from a sender application to...

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Message Construction: Enterprise Integration Patterns on Azure Integration Services

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 10 April 2019

Azure Functions, Enterprise Integration Patterns, Logic Apps, Service Bus, Azure Event Grid, Azure iPaaS

When we are designing a message-based integration solution, one of the first things we need to define is how the application data are going to be serialised into messages, so they can be transmitted to other applications. The Message Construction Enterprise Integration Patterns provide documented knowledge that can...

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Enterprise Integration Patterns on Azure Integration Services - Introduction

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 08 March 2019

Architecture, Enterprise Integration Patterns, Azure Integration Services, Azure iPaaS

In the past, architecting and building integration solutions was a task that only specialised developers and architects were able to do. The tools and skills were considered niche and not every developer was able to build a manageable integration solution. Now, with the available new low-code integration platforms,...

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Correlated Structured Logging on Azure Functions

Posted by Paco de la Cruz on 06 September 2018

Azure Functions, Serverless, Application Insights, Blog, Technology, Logging, Structured Logging


If you are reading this post, chances are that you know that things can go wrong and thus logging can be very useful when a solution is in production to monitor or troubleshoot it. But, not all logs are equal. While you can have enough information available, unstructured logging can be hard to read,...

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