The ability to control how Mule creates and manages spring application context is a very useful feature. On a recent client engagement, I had to perform an identical integration operation but from a variable number of sources (different for each environment).
In Mule, this can be accomplished by:
- Adding duplicate system specific flows at build time, or
- Creating a template flow, parameterising configuration, and creating an application context instance for each configuration.
I prefer option 2 as it is DRY and lets you easily control the number of flows from configuration not code.
As a use case, let us assume we have business partners placing files in S3 buckets, where we pick them up and move them to a separate S3 location. Let us now say that we have a variable number of partners and therefore a variable number of source S3 buckets.
On-boarding new partners would mean that source and destination buckets would differ, and probably polling frequency as well but rest should remain the same. This can be achieved by:
- adding a partner specific configuration, and then
- programmatically creating an application context from a template flow
Building our application
A template flow is required so we can parameterise it and change endpoints. Let’s use following flow and change source/destination buckets, destination folder and polling frequency.
<poll doc:name="Poll">
<fixed-frequency-scheduler frequency="20" timeUnit="SECONDS"/>
<logger message="Flow Start: " level="INFO" doc:name="Log Start"/>
<s3:list-objects config-ref="Amazon_S3_GlobalConnector" bucketName="test-partner-1" doc:name="List objects"/>
<foreach collection="#[payload]" doc:name="For Each">
<enricher doc:name="Message Enricher" target="#[flowVars['copyObjectResult']]">
<s3:copy-object config-ref="Amazon_S3_GlobalConnector" destinationBucketName="test-system-1" destinationKey="#[payload.getKey()]" sourceBucketName="#[payload.getBucketName()]" sourceKey="#[payload.getKey()]" doc:name="Copy object"/>
<s3:delete-object config-ref="Amazon_S3_GlobalConnector" bucketName="test-partner-1" key="#[payload.getKey()]" doc:name="Delete object"/>
<logger message="Flow End" level="INFO" doc:name="Log Start"/>
Tapping into Mule application lifecycle phases would give us the oppurtunity to read a properties file and start an application context with partner specific details. A java class that implements org.mule.api.lifecycle.Initialisable and org.mule.api.lifecycle.Disposable would let us do just that.
- During initialise phase, we change partner specific details in our template flow and start an application context.
- In dispose phase, we stop and dispose our application context(s)
public void initialise() throws InitialisationException {
// read template flow
// replace endpoints with properties from configuration file
// create and start an application context
public void dispose() {
// stop and dispose application context(s)
And finally a main flow , that gives us access to properties file, and kick start our application.
<context:property-placeholder location="" />
<component doc:name="RouteFactory">
<singleton-object class="demo.RouteFactory">
<property key="partnerCount" value="${partner-count}"/>
Depending on the number of parameters, properties file may end up look like following
partner-1.flow-name = partner-one-flow
partner-1.polling-frequency = 10
partner-1.source-bucket = test-partner-1
partner-1.destination-folder = partner1/
partner-1.destination-bucket = test-system-1
partner-2.flow-name = partner-two-flow
partner-2.polling-frequency = 20
partner-2.source-bucket = test-partner-2
partner-2.destination-folder =
partner-2.destination-bucket = test-system-2
The example we just considered is rather simple. For the daring amongst us, we could even experiment with adding an HTTP API that creates and destroys flows for us without a need to restart our application.